But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you

Deepak Chopra

About Us

Why Create a Metabolic Health Hub?

Envisioned by nutritionist Sharon Carius, the Metabolic Health Hub was born out of the belief that nutritional foods can help invigorate our body to self-heal many common medical conditions. Through maintaining a healthy lifestyle and nutrient rich food, we can all achieve our optimal health and wellness goals.

With the advent of quick-win drugs for many health conditions, we are seeing more and more people much too quicky turn to drug companies to treat medical conditions such as obesity, diabetics, menopause or simply for weight loss.

Our body is capable of repairing itself by reintroducing natural foods and awaking our metabolism.

It turns out your body produces natural versions of these drugs – also known as incretin hormones – in your gut. It may not be surprising that nutrients in food help regulate these hormones. But it may intrigue you to know that the trillions of microbes in your gut are key for orchestrating this process.

That’s why

Our metabolism plays such a critical role in our overall health and wellbeing, converting food into energy and sustaining essential bodily functions. A well-functioning metabolism supports weight management, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol, influences hormonal balance, and contributes to overall health. It plays a key role in maintaining energy levels, preventing diseases, and supporting the body’s optimal functioning.

For the majority of the population who don’t yet have obesity or diabetes, restarting the gut’s built-in appetite and metabolism control by reintroducing whole foods and awaking the gut microbiome may be the best approach to promote healthy metabolism.

A place where we can show you how to be your best YOU

We have seen so many people struggle with health conditions. We know there is no single solution, however ensuring our body and metabolism is healthy enables amazing wellness outcomes. We believe that our most valuable possession is our health, and we want to help you to live your healthiest, happiest and most vibrant life.

Despite our greatest aspirations for quick fixes, it’s very possible that a healthy lifestyle remains the most important way to manage metabolic disease and overall health.

All quotes courtesy of Christopher Damman, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine, University of Washington

About Sharon

Sharon Carius – Cofounder and CEO of MHH

It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired. – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Opening the Metabolic Health Hub was inspired by all the people whose lives were impacted by making changes to what they put in their bodies, and for all the people I am yet to help. Metabolic conditions are largely driven in the body by our cells sensitivity to the actions of insulin. Some of these include unexplained weight gain – especially around the waste, thyroid conditions, high blood pressure, increased blood lipids, anxiety, sleep struggles and energy slumps.

As a Clinical Nutritionist, for many years I believed in the healing power of food. Personally, suffering from asthma, menopausal symptoms, and increasing weight around my waist, I had tried exercise, calorie restriction, elimination, intermittent fasting, ketosis, Mediterranean way of eating, time restricted eating and the 80:20 rule. I along with my patients, had been suffering from the Shiny New Solution Syndrome.

Whilst undertaking further studies, a colleague, encouraged me to try using a Metabolic Balance® nutritional plan. The plan was unique to me, based on my bloods, my health history, and my health goals. A nutrition plan founded on science, using food associated to the Mediterranean way of eating and aligned with Ayurveda principles. Could this really be a solution? I honestly was sceptic, as are many of my patients.

Fast forward to today, my desire to help others with my foundational belief in the healing power of food, driven by my enthusiasm to guide patients to reclaim their health, means I am now fulfilling my life’s purpose.

I hope to look forward to meeting you on your health journey


BA Health Science – Clinical Nutrition
BA App. Sc.
Adv Dip Nutritional Medicine
Metabolic Balance® Practitioner
Member of Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA)

The preservation of HEALTH is easier than the CURE of the disease.

B.J Palmer

Get in Touch

We Would Love To Hear From You

Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

Jim Rohn

We believe that looking after your health is essential for a fulfilling life.

Being healthy enhances your energy, resilience, and mental well-being, allowing you to pursue your goals.

Prioritising health prevents illness, promotes longevity, and ensures you can enjoy life’s experiences to the fullest.

Invest in your wellbeing and we will be there to guide you every step of the way… 


Areas of interest:


Suite 4, 102 Kedron Brook Road, Wilston, QLD 4051




(0431) 967 056



Monday – Saturday:
8am – 6pm

All other times:
By Appointment